apparent heat capacity method 显热容法; 千
Capacity Method 容量法
depreciation-service-capacity method 服务能量折旧法
effective heat capacity method 显热容法
equivalent capacity method 等效热容法; 等效容量法
equivalent heat capacity method 显热容法
Exterior Capacity Method 外接电容法
infiltration-capacity method 渗量法
lumped-heat-capacity method 集总参数法
resistance capacity method 阻容法
temperature-based equivalent heat capacity method 显热容法
the lumped capacity method 集总热客法
Backprojection convolution method 卷积反投影算法
conversation method 谈话法
CONVOLUTION METHOD 卷积; 褶合曲线分析法; 卷积法
convolution method for divergent beams 发散束卷积法
convolution method for parallel beams 平行束卷积法
convolution method of inversion 回旋反演法; 褶积反演法
free conversation method of interrogation 自由交谈讯问法